Welcome to Uniform Server

Welcome to the Uniform Server default start page. This page and every other file are being served from the main server root folder, "/www/".
Additional support for 7-Orion see 5-Nano series found on the Wiki.


Server Specifications

  • Apache 2.2.19
  • MySQL 5.5.15-community
  • PHP 5.3.8
  • eAccelerator 1.0-snv427
  • phpMyAdmin 3.4.4
  • ActivePerl via Installer
  • UniTray
  • Go-Pear 1.1.6
  • Cron - Scheduler
  • DtDNS - IP address updater
  • db_backup - Database back-up
  • msmtp - Mail client for PHP
Uniform Server | Download | Wiki | Support Forum

The Uniform Server is a WAMP package that allows you to run a server on any XP, Vista or W7 Windows OS based computer. It is small and quick to download, and can be easily moved around. It also can be setup and used as a production/live server. Developers can use The Uniform Server to test their applications which require PHP, MySQL and the Apache HTTPd Server.

Developed By The Uniform Server Development Team